Flat Hair

As you may know, Esther loves her "curly" hair.  She talks about it, colors it during art time, and even protects it from the rain.  (One day we were going from the car to a friends house in the rain and she put her hands over her head and said... "Oh no!!  My Curlies!!")  As you may also know, her hair really isn't that curly.  It maybe has a wave at the ends.  

It has often been on my mind how I can help her realize that her hair isn't curly without crushing her hopes!  Well, I didn't have to do a thing.  We bought new hair clips at walmart yesterday and she could hardly wait to wear them (and then look in the mirror.)  Today was the same routine: we combed her hair, put them in, and then she looked in the mirror.  The difference today happened when she looked in the mirror and said, "my hair isn't really curly anymore.  my hair is flat!" It didn't seem to bother her too much that she had lost her curl.  I am not sure why she didn't notice it before... but I am glad that she is still pleased with the beautiful head of locks God gave her.


Jessica said...

Flat hair...what's that? I sure wouldn't know. ;) I'm glad God had prepared Esther's heart when she finally realized she didn't have curls. What a great story...thanks for sharing. It makes me miss you guys a little bit less. Love to you all!

Elaine said...

Oh her "curlies." You could always get her a nice permanent like I had in Jr. High!!! :)