When we accepted the notion that we needed to aggressively pursue the truth, we knew it wouldn't be easy. For the past few months it has been a wild ride- how does one stand up for what is right with integrity, follow biblical principles, guard and repair relationships, and protect the home from spiritual attacks? We have had to feel the weight and pain of betrayal, say goodbye to an amazing pastor and family, be ready with appropriate answers to fellow brothers and sisters in the church and encourage them to patiently wait for the answers they are seeking, and wonder how we can ever reach healing without the loss of people or their faith in Christ. Please don't misunderstand me, we are not alone. Praise God for fellow workers in Christ that we are along-side.

Among many of the questions we have wrestled with is this one... how long will this go on? And just when we saw a glimmer of hope for a step of resolution, WHAM! Another challenge. A physical and personal one, seemingly completely unrelated, but oh, so timely. I can only imagine that the evil one is scheming. I cling once again the the scripture posted previously.

Isaac is scheduled to preach this Sunday- our first sunday since we said goodbye to our Worship Pastor, the Sunday that people will be expecting some answers, and the Sunday that there is a good possibility they will get those answers, to a degree, Lord willing.

While working on the new stage and ramp, a large metal wood clamp sprung loose and landed right on Isaac's upper lip and teeth- yeah, ouch. He got a couple stitches, his teeth are stabilized with a temporary wire, and hopefully the pain will decrease soon. It could've been so much worse, and I know he will be fine. But I almost have to laugh at Satan's attempt- "no one would blame you if you didn't preach, you need to take time off, is your spirit broken yet?" While it has been strange for the girls and I to see our amazing, outgoing, talkative and always laughing husband and papa quiet and almost withdrawn, I know his spirit isn't broken. If anything, he has more focused resolution. I know he knows the battle we are in, and his strength is not of this world.

This Sunday will be difficult. It will also be comical- Ike has a new "grill" to sport while preaching that comes complete with swollen lips and a lisp! Pray that the truth and message God has for these people can be spoken clearly and received, and that when the dust finally settles, we can begin healing.

Until that day comes, we fight.