This is Cailey...

You know those folks that walk into your life, become a part if it and then life changes? Suddenly I had a friend that I could truly count on and turn to for anything. I remember being skeptical (brieflly), and then amazed (continually) at Cailey's intentional, sincere care for me and my family. Her entire family loved our girls. In fact, her daughter Kelcey watched our girls so often for free, believing it to be her ministry to us. I hope she knows just how much she blessed us!

Isaac, Brent and Cailey worked together at the Church office. In the two short years we worked together, we walked through an awful lot... several changes at the church including the resigning of 3 pastors, sicknesses in our own families and our extendeds, and my family's miscarriage. It is amazing how close two families can become walking through life and ministry together. Aside from ridiculous amounts of laughter and tears, we spent many a night together at del taco or in our living rooms huddled around Ike's laptop. OH, and how could I forget the monopoly games? Of course Cailey and I dominated, every time! *wink*

How they tolerated us I don't know! I wouldn't even know where to begin with our list of "offences," but let's just say that since they have moved the church office is much lonelier and Ike doesn't have anyone to shoot with his airsoft gun. (ultimately we can thank BJ for that, right?!) Even with all of our "quirks," they never passed judgement on us, strange to think about the unconditional support they offered us.

Well, not long ago we had to say goodbye. But we all know that goodbye is not really the appropriate word. We are linked for life now, like it or not guys!! And thanks to modern technology, we can even see each other when we talk.

Dumler family, know that you are loved and missed. I am so thankful for the chance to know you. I learned so much about friendship and ministry... so, thanks.


Barb said...

I found this description of friendship a long time ago and when I read your posting about the Dumlers I thought it truly fit them.
Friendship . . . That you may always have friends who are worthy of that name, who'll help you in times of sadness, who will belly laugh with you till you can't laugh anymore, and they'll defy the storms of daily life at your side and hold your hand.

Love you Dumler famiy for "lovin' on my family!