And this is the picture of us leaving the hospital...notice it is light was 5:15 in the morning...and none of us really slept at all...

The point where she finally crashed...for now...until we had to wake her up and stab her in the leg with what I thought was a huge needle for someone my size...she handled it like a champ!

This is my "tired face"...I had some serious poopage going on here...they tired kind, not the other!

Here is Amy lying on the bed waiting...and waiting...and you can tell by the clock it is now ten to two in the morning! And we thought we were almost out of there!

We brought the lamby for some's the only thing that helped her to sleep

We got to the hosptial at 11:20pm...turned out that Esther has a urinary they gave her a shot and now we are going to the hospital again today to talk with the doctor and get some drugs for little "E".

Well about 11:00pm we heard Esther waking up again! So we picked her up and she was burning hot! We took her temp and it was 102.8 so we called the doctor and she said for us to take her into the emergency here we are after waiting in the waiting room for a couple we get to wait in a room for a few more hours!

As you can see...David is an M's fan...but isn't every Oregonian...they dont' have their own they have to leach off of Washington!

On monday we went over to David Betts house for some lovely dinner. It was to watch an actual northwest baseball team go to the finals and now blow it...maybe things will change...doubt it!

Here is the finished product...Amy's board... It had a little mis-hap with one of the youth kids...oh it will make some interesting shelves...or something!

Esther and Grandma Freeman chillin' on the front lawn...had a good time up in Centralia the past couple of days. Got the pleasure of seeing a couple of familiy friends...George and Aldene...there RAD!

going down the front side of the ramp...yehaw

Me taking the jump with the mini-bike...getting some sweet air!

It was a rough day of biking on the you can see knocker "knocked" his knees...and then I did the same...Just to clarify most of Knockers injuries were obtained from jumping - not a huge pile of dirt...but a 5 inch curb

Esther chewing on her ducky during her bath...she kind of looks like "Jack-Jack" from "The Incredibles"

Here is the landing for the two jumps. We have it set up so that both jumps land in the same spot...this was intentional...because that mound in the corner of the yard you see is going to become a banked corner once we get some free dirt off of craigslist...then there will hopefully be another jump along the back fence...can't wait!

Here is my completed bike. I just got it from the Klines who so generously gave it back to me after I sold it to them a couple of years ago...I tore it down and repainted it and greased everything...and bought some new components for it with birthday's sweet now...a nice flat black!

As you see we can open the gates for additional runway get the necessary speed to make "go off any sweet jumps"...and to keep all of the neighborhood kids away from it while we are gone!

The first of a few jumps is complete (and has been for a couple weeks...just now getting to the pictures. This is actually two jumps side by side on the same mound. A beginner and a "experienced"'s sooo much fun!!!

Here is the picture that we stubled across a few months ago...this time I just remembered to bring my camera...Elaine is famous...I think that she should be demanding some royalties for this one...tootin' her flute!

This book is in the waiting room at Esthers doctors office...and inside the book is a picture of........................

Amy was whoopinig me at "dice" or as the youth have called it "10,000" ...and as you can see by her blurred hands she is so hyped about it she can't keep from spazzing out! Love that lady!!

I kissed her so hard it threw her mouth off to one side of her face!!!

ready for you can see Esther has her brain blood flow cut off by some hideous bow....

The Duncans were at church today, they are missionaries to Hungary and good friends of BJ and Elaine.

This is of the youth kids...and he ALWAYS sits in the corner behind the front this last sunday he decided to label it is officially his for the next four years!

I thought this was cool...and I could be the only effects...just some major accedental skill with the camera! Yowee I'm good...zing

Here they are at the end...notice Natasha (second from the left) is not doing so well...her shoes weren't the greatest for the day!

Esther and I enjoying time together...she did awesome on the hike...2 hours in the pack...and barely a peep from her!

Here we are up at the top of the falls...where I thought I was going to fall off...second chance at it!

I am trying to make a better effort to make better pictures...not to say this is one of them...but hey...I'm trying...

Taking in some of the viscious plant can't see it but this thing even has spikes on its leaves!

Today was the youth girls hike...not much of a turn out...but we had fun. We did the same hike as the boys...just the opposite direction...and quicker!

It has a full roll cage and a 5 point harness for the slicks on all four wheels...of course those will have to change to be street legal...soooo cool!

It has a full roll cage and a 5 point harness for the slicks on all four wheels...of course those will have to change to be street legal...soooo cool!

This is the car that Knocker is going to be getting...well two of them actually. This is a Toyota has never in it's life been a street car...always a racer. He is getting it and a second car just like it from his boss...This comes with a new race engine...supposed to be a quick thing...I told him if he doesn't do it then I am taking them! It may not look like much but it will clean up great...

Cody and his proud mother! Congrats Cody...

Esther and Papa getting a bit stir crazy sitting in the stands...only had to hear 250 names read off individually...don't get too excited still have 4 years of school left!

We had the pleasure of attending Cody Benders eighth grade graduation...we were very suprised as to how many of the "middle schooler" girls look well over 18 and like they have all lost their "innocence"...sad

Esther is sitting in the field behind the grandparent freemans place up in pretty!

The victor...Cody...and what was the prize???? you guessed it...a 2 liter of Mountain Dew!!! He didn't want it...

And here they go...chugging away. We noticed some shaking and very hyper activity after this event...

This is a few of the youth boys getting ready to do the "gallon challenge" but it is with 2 liters instead...the goal is the first one to drink the whole thing in 5 minutes...then you have to hold it down for five minutes...only one succeeded

Here I am looking down from where you arn't supposed to walk out...setting a great example for the rest of the boys..... Yea, I had a dream later that night that I slipped and was barely holding on...and lost my grip and fell but on the way down I screamed...."tell my wife I love her" then...WHAM...dead

Me and the youth boys out on a hike...well some of the youth boys...emphasis on BOYS!! What a bunch of whimps...not really they did great...just got a little tuckerd

Here we are during the prayer was sweet!

Here we are during the prayer was sweet!

Here we are getting Esther dedicated...yehaw

Making some burgers after the dedication of Esther to our good Lord

I love this picture of Esther...she is cute