This was one of the games that we played at the Christmas party for the youth group. The point is the one with the most clothes pins on their face in 10 seconds wins... I think Chris the guy on the left won.
Esther runs a mile or so back and forth on the couch...she loves it...and as you can tell we have all the chushions on the floor for her "off-balance" moments!
Sunday, December 24, 2006 | | 0 Comments
I found this "tutorial" that teaches you how to make normal photos that are "ok" and make them more dramatica and "professional" These are my first tests...without Photoshop
With Photoshop
without Photoshop
with Photoshop
without Photoshop
with Photoshop
Tuesday, December 12, 2006 | | 0 Comments
little heart-breaker
"no pictures pictures... get my agent on the line"
"ok maybe one publicity photo op."
so doggon cute...she actually leaves the glasses on now...she looks at herself in the mirror and flips them on and off her face again and again and again.
Sunday, December 10, 2006 | | 0 Comments
late nights are getting to me
I am feeling stupified... this is my natural look on my face. Too many late nights with only a handfull of hours of sleep... can't wait to be done with this stuff!
I have begun to despise my office, desk, and computer...
Thursday, December 07, 2006 | | 0 Comments
Out in the Sun!
This is Esther doing her Ace Ventura/Pirate face...cute 'eh.
Just for you to notice...Esther is wearing pink shoes, orange striped socks, red pants, black coat that is cheetah lined, and a purple hat...she learned to dress from her father obviously
I put this one on just for they eyes...such pretty little eyes!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006 | | 0 Comments
Silly Girl
So...this has to be the goofiest picture of Esther thus far. She has started to make this look...and it is totally rediculous! It started when I would call her name and get her to look at me, then I would raise my eyebrows up and down...trying to get her to do it...well this face is her response that she does to my raised eyebrows...wacko!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006 | Labels: cute, Esther, funny | 0 Comments
Pushing and pulling
Amy is getting Esther to help out as much as possible with her daily work around the house...Esther loves to push the laundry around for Amy. Can't wait to have her out mowing the lawn...maybe this summer.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006 | | 0 Comments
Because Nate said so...
It was snowing a little (a very little) here in Portland the other we thought we would take Esther out in it. She enjoyed it...a little...I think it will take a stop on the pass on the way to Wenatchee for her to really learn to enjoy the snow!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006 | | 1 Comments
Esther likes to walk around the house with this old hat of Amy's...I think it was looks like Esther is a little "rasta" in this.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006 | Labels: Esther | 1 Comments