Double the Gnomes, just for fun!
Edie and Martin doing what they do best...being CRAZY! The Gnome terrorists!
This is Joel's house, He has led Sunday school for the youth for me, and we decided, since it was him that we would get his house with all 60 gnomes, rather than just was awesome!!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 | | 0 Comments
The Wohlds make it down to Portland...Esther enjoy's Ethan!
Uncle Steve holding the young cousins. Esther was very gentle with cute little Ethan.
Esther started acting really goofy, laughing and being silly...kind of shouting out "I'm fun and cute too...don't forget about me...give me attention." Should be interesting when Gracie comes around!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 | | 0 Comments
Uncomfortable sleeper!
I am not sure if you can tell, but in this picture Esther is sleeping on top of one of her stuffed dogs. Causing her back to be totally arched...looked horibbly uncomfortable.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 | | 0 Comments
This is the Shores house...and we didn't get caught...because it was just the three of us!
Another Happy Valley victim that doesn't attend our church!
Notice the open door...we've been caught...and notice that it is not just the three of us...hmm...I'm seeing a trend!
Surprisingly, this is one of the exceptions where we didn't get caught and there were more than the three of us.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 | | 0 Comments
Lynchwood dedication
This month Lynchwood Church of God is finishing up their brand new 2.5 MILLION sanctuary!!! That's a lot of scrillo! I never noticed that Amy and Esther are striking the same pose for this picture. The sanctuary is amazingly awesome, and the soundsystem and lighing was done by my old work place CCI Solutions. Sounded amazing!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 | | 0 Comments
Some more Gnoming...
I'm drawing a blank on who this one was...I think it may have been in Happy Valley...someone who does not go to our church, but got "hit" through a sequence of people.
I believe this one is the Butz. And we didn't get caught at either one of these! This really has been a great fund-raiser...people are loving it and we are doing alright!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 | | 0 Comments
"The Freemans" t-shirt preggo-photo-op.
Here is Amy pregnant with Esther wearing her first "The Freemans" t-shirt. We were living at the German house at that time.
And here is Amy in "The Freemans" shirt once again with Esther out of the womb and Gracie in the womb. I love my ladies!!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 | | 0 Comments
Too many this time!
So every time we go "Gnoming" with more than Edith, Martin and I we get caught. That is why we are taking our sweet time posing for pictures and all. I believe this one is Brad's place.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 | | 0 Comments
Ike goes to San Francisco
I just got back last night from a weekend trip to SF with the Tigard Church of God to an event called Battlecry. It was a great event!Here we are hitting Sacramento on the way...
The Bay bridge....SF in the background.
Here is the group...the orange hoodies were awesome for keeping track of the group!
Here we are entering the AT&T Colesium...where the Giants play.
And here we are leaving at night for our Hotel.
And Saturday morning...25,000 kids! It was awesome.
The sunrise on the drive on Sunday Morning on I-80.
Of course had to hit up an In-N-Out on the way! lunch at 10 am...but who cares it was here!
I was pooped and they snapped this one of me sleeping in the shotgun!
Monday, March 12, 2007 | | 0 Comments
A day outside
Esther was helping me stack up all the garbage from the shack in the back yard...she was really helpfull!
Her helmet is starting to get a little small!
making sure the bike jump was in good shape for the tandam!
Monday, March 12, 2007 | | 0 Comments
Taking off for down-town.
We took off this last Tuesday to take an afternoon off and hang out downtown. Something we hadn't done for quite a while. So we parked at Lloyd Center and took the MAX downtown.Esthers doing her "side-stare" being very patient for us to leave.
In the Ross downtown. It was a great day!
Monday, March 12, 2007 | | 0 Comments
The dream shanty
So this is how I would love to re-model the shanty... the three rooms on the right are (closest) the kitchen, then the sound room, then a bathroom (farthest).
The room back in the back is storage...for drums, musical instruments etc. This would be sooo sweet. Someday...someday! (this program is cool as well!)
Monday, March 05, 2007 | | 1 Comments
Sketch Up...Google does it again!
This is a great Google program called "Sketch Up". It is like a free CAD program, and you can upload your buildings to Google Earth. This building is the house/shanty behind my house. I am making it as it stands now. Then I am going to create it re-modeled as I would like to see it as the Youth building... we'll see! Great program though, you build the foundation...the 2x4's and put them all together...great fun!
Monday, March 05, 2007 | | 0 Comments
More Gnoming
This is the house of the Aase. Alex one of their kids is in the youth group. The picture below is Alex's grandparents house...hmm...wonder who hired the gnomes to get this house!? I had lots of help on this one, Martin, Edith, Loura and Natasha...good times had by all!
Monday, March 05, 2007 | | 0 Comments