Conversations With A Little Girl

Recently I went in to check on Esther during her Quiet Time.  She was curled up on my bed with her blanket neatly laid beneath her.  As I sat next to her, she said, "I am waiting for my prince" with a great big smile.  As I wrapped her blanket around her, she politely informed me "my Prince is going to do that."  So then I had to ask,.... "are you going to marry your Prince?"  A great big smile came as she replied,  "Yes, when he comes and flies me to the castle.  It's ok, I will be safe.  He will take care of me."  

YIKES.  Apparently at the age of 3 Esther has it all worked out!  I didn't expect the need to begin training on courting at such an early age.

We have been hearing about this Prince for a long time now.  We have even had the privilege of meeting him.  Apparently he can be in the room and us adults wouldn't even know it!!  Of course we want this Prince to be a man of good and Godly character.  Lord give us wisdom as we raise our girls. =)


Elaine said...

Oh boy! I hope my niece isn't as boy crazy as I was! :)
Anyway, that was very sweet. I wish I had been directed to wait and only "date" my one prince (BJ of course.)I have such a different view of dating now. We will do our best to pass the vision on to our kids.

The York Fam said...

Dear Esther...your daddy is waiting for your prince too - with a shot gun! :)