Peanut Butter Play-dough

I found a great recipe for Peanut butter play-dough that was sooo yummy! The girls had a blast playing with it, and by the end Gracie's lump was half the size of Esther's! Esther continued to play with it for a total of 1 and 1/2 hours... I love this stuff.

It took a little while for the imagination to kick in. At first they just poked it and flattened it, but then Esther created this family.

Gracie with the evidence of loving the dough all over her chin.

Decorating her swirly pile.

And here is Isaac enjoying Clarence. This was taken on his first day home.


Jessica said...

I'd love the recipe for peanut butter playdoh, Amy. Ethan is a big fan of peanut butter!

Elaine said...

Amy, was that a rolling pin in one of the pics? So glad you finally got one! :)