Christmas Tree '08

We decided last night that today was the day to get our Christmas tree. Unfortunately we did not get to the forestry service in time to get the permit for the weekend. So we found a quaint little tree farm just across the border in Oregon... Amy and the girls here walking through the rows of trees.

Gracie still has a wee bit of that Gerber baby face...fat cheeks.

Esther and Mama talking about the little gravel road on the other side of the fence.

We thought about getting this tree or as we call it "Christmas bush".

Gracie plucking the heads off of weeds.

Esther in her "ew, I don't want to get my hands dirty" pose.

E did not want to turn around for the picture.

Doing the manly job of the cutting down the tree.

Gracie decided to take a seat in the mud.

Amy took these next few pic's I was really impressed with her skills. Really got some great shots!

I love this picture... Esther is looking so cute, I was going to photoshop out the fishie cracker residue on her bottom lip.

Although I look like I am saying "shut it or I am going to come back there!!!" I really am pointing out a deer track in the mud with the end of the saw.

A view of the town on our way home.


Jessica said...

What a fun adventure! Your tree looks good...can't wait for the pics of it decorated. Amy, your pictures are great! We really can't wait to see you all. I asked Ethan where he was driving the other day (when he was on his "car") and he said he was going to see Aunt Amy, Unca I, Eter, and Grace. I think he's excited to see you, too. Love you all!

Elaine said...

Aim- I guess you decided to keep the puff vest! :) Looks cute! The jackets Esther and Grace are wearing are adorable. Glad you had a fun time getting your tree.