Christmas in Wenatchee 2010-ish

Christmas on the east side occurred a little late this season because of some family circumstances. Of course it is always fun to celebrate with family, no matter the time.

Last year Grandpa decided it would be funny to wear the owl basket and then walk towards the grandkids... the kids didn't think it was quite as funny. They were afraid. But... that was last year! This year the kids all took turns wearing Mr. Owl, and we had fun watching the show. As usual.

Wenatchee hair... happens every year to the girls.

Esther spent a large amount of time building with the red bricks that Grandma Freeman played with while her kids grew up! Thanks for sharing =).

The first gift the grandkids opened were bean bag chairs. Big Hit!!

Thank you Great Grandma for the fun times and good memories!


Barb said...

I love this picture of Great Grandma with the "brood". Too cute!