Celebrating Easter

Our Easter holiday was very unusual this year... both Esther and Grace were very ill.  It started with Grace on Maundy Thursday, and consequently the girls and I stayed home from the foot washing service.  Sunday morning Esther woke up with a high temp. It was difficult to make the decision to stay home on Easter sunday! After a call to my very patient and wise sister =) I had more peace about staying home.  I knew it was the right thing to do and the best situation for my girls, but still lonely.  

Despite our sleepless nights, high temps and runny noses, we did still manage to talk about the reason for Easter and have a little fun with it!

Thanks to Grammie for the egg dying kit!  This was our very first year to dye eggs.  Papa was so loving to do this activity with the girls while I ran to the store for stuff and things.  Apparently the girls had a blast, and the kit had stickers... always a big hit.

A sleepy looking kiddo with her egg...

Gracie's egg didn't last long.  It was reported that during the process of decorating the egg it was dropped a few times.  (that isn't a yellow sticker, it's the yoke!)

Our little bunny.  Thanks for the sweet ears Aunt Cindy!